Antonio FERRARI Cantine

Cantine Antonio Ferrari   founded in Piedmont and Puglia in 1936 .
We sell Fine wines   , 50 to 70 years old , still live and in perfect contitions because they rest inside sealed special time’s  capsules .. 
Our selection is perfect for lovers ,  collectors,  and investors.
Regarding our wine master Antonio Ferrari  we can say only says that  “Legends are born from heroes with a visionary perception of the world.”
Antonio Ferrari, is an artist and for this reason , his wines are alive and excite.   
He resisted the style of aging wines in barrique and felt discomfort for the fingerprints of  toasted wood flavor, of straw, more or less intrusive depending on the technical skills of the  operators .... those modifications for him were foreign to wine, they made it other than what it  was, altering its substance. He said that something was put into it with the secret hope of  finding much more. 
Describing a Van Gogh by dissecting his brushstrokes would be only a cold pictorial analysis  that could never make us perceive the beauty of one of his masterpieces. 
Here we are faced with wines that shouldn't be there ... and that our mind wants to compare,  describe, dissect when instead they are just to be sipped, be amazed and only remotely guess  what an artist wanted to create 50/70 years earlier. 
Antonio's wines are born from the extraordinary fruit of the improbable and the unthinkable,  but without leaving anything to chance, because they are the result of the extraordinary  sensitivity of a mind misaligned by its historical contemporaneity made of immediacy.
After 20 years that Antonio and his daughter Gianagela have left us, we awaken the cellar that had entered a long hibernation and propose to the world its history and its incredibly alive and perfect wines that still ripen inside what Antonio called "the capsules of time“.
Our duty and honour is to relaunch his  brand and give to the world the possibility to know what is a live 70 years old wine and vinify again .
Our new wine  in february 2021 have won Best Italian Wine Selection  bronze medal .

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