Calabria – a region to observe

Calabria is a region in southern Italy, rich in history and traditions which has in recent years bolstered its image thanks to the effort of small boutique producers.

Viticulture in Calabria dates back to the time of the Greeks, in 700 BC. After the Roman Empire, the wine business was abandoned, until the Middle Ages when it began to flourish again. The phylloxera, in the twentieth century, changed the viticultural landscape and the region started to shift its focus to quality. Efforts were made to match grape varieties to suitable locations and improve winemaking practices, as a result the wines of today are of better quality and much more interesting to drink.

Bathed by the Ionian and Tyrrhenian seas, Calabria is separated from Sicily by the Strait of Messina. The mild climate, splendid sea colours, rocky coasts alternating with sandy coasts, wild nature, intense and genuine flavours of the local cuisine as well as the testimonies to its ancient origins is what makes Calabria a unique place, to be admired both in winter and summer.


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