Cantrina is a tiny country hamlet in the Valtènesi. It lies deep in the western hinterland of Lake Garda, in the commune of Bedizzole, on the morainic hills formed many thousands of years ago by the glaciers that gave the Garda area its present contours.

The Company was founded  in the early 1990s , Cantrina is the name of our little Village . The estate is small and completely family-run. Cristina Inganni e Diego Lavo are the artisan growers. 
We cultivate  under organic farming almost 8 hectares of land, planted in high densities, includes allochthonous varieties and local vines, among which the Groppello represents 40% of the total.  

The dominant factor in our wines is our splendid territory, with its extremely varied soils in which the glaciers and the river have left an obvious trace of their movements over the course of thousands of years. We have soils of medium texture and with a high clay content, which yield wines of considerable structure but also notable freshness, two characteristics that guarantee the remarkable longevity of our products. 

We like to interpret our work in the vineyard and in the winery as an open-minded «exercice de style», that is to say free from preconceived ideas or conditioning of any sort, but with maximum respect for the singular characteristics that nature bestows on the fruits of our vines. Our wines convey the character of their terroir and of the people who make them and, based on these elements and on my past experience in the sphere of the arts, I have sought to give our wines a very creative – and consequently unique - imprint. 

Cristina Inganni

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