
Nestled in the heart of Empordà (Catalonia, Spain), La Vinyeta is a small production winery and olive grower driven by a young spirit of hard work and big dreams. The project’s origins can be found in two old Carignan and Grenache vineyards which Josep and Marta bought from an old winemaker from the town. They started producing their first bottles of wine in 2006. Today, La
Vinyeta is one of the most highly regarded projects in the area, not just for the quality and diversity of the wines but also for their dynamism, humility, and commitment. At La Vinyeta we have recovered the model of traditional farming. Vines live in harmony with olive trees and livestock. Chickens feed on leftover grapes, sheep graze in the vineyards and bees boost biodiversity and prove the success of the environmentally friendly methods here. Winemaking goes hand in hand with other produce such as honey, eggs, and cheese.

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