NATURE, SEA AND THE VOLCANO Our wines are entereley produced and bottled on the island Organically and using only our own grapes The first time I've been to the Aeolian Islands I was a boy of twelve, on holiday with my family. I was fascinated by those landscapes - the same places Ulysses explored. Observing the small ports, I imagined the vessels of Greeks and Roman merchants; looking at the terracing, I could picture farmers working the heart and cultivating the vines. Back then, in 1988, I never would have thought to become a producer of Malvasia delle Lipari, nor I imaginated tath the bond with Volcano would become so intimate. The Aeolian Islands have always been a land full of charm, bewitching many people with its beautiful landscapes, its volcanoes and its Mediterranean soul, evoking a unique sense of isolation and tranquility.