Welcome to the wine growing estate of Karl Pfaffmann in Walsheim - in the sunny Southern-Palatinate. Karl Pfaffmann, founder of the company, took a big step when, in the 1950's, he filled the first bottle of wine and therefore strode into the world of direct-marketing. A short time later, the wines won their first awards - the start of a continuing success story. Today the vineyard is an established, progressive, quality orientated company. Since the 1970's, Karl Pfaffmann's son Helmut und his wife Sigrid managed the undertaking. At the start of the millennium, the responsibility was passed on to their son Markus, after he had finished his studies as wine cultivation engineer at the famous University in Geisenheim. 80 percent of the wines are dry wines. The special characteristic of the sort is not hidden behind, but can develop freely with fresh, clear fruit. Riesling tastes and smells like Riesling. Weissburgunder like Weissburgunder.