Weingut Volk

Der Mittelrhein gehört zu den wärmsten Landstrichen Deutschlands. Milde Winter sowie früh einsetzende und lang anhaltende Vegetation bilden optimale Voraussetzungen für beste Traubenqualitäten. Seit Anbeginn des Weingutes Volk besitzen wir Weinberge in den besten Lagen des Bopparder Hamm. Die nach Süden ausgerichteten Steillagen mit ihrem milden Mikroklima und dem wärme-speichernden Schieferboden sind das ideale Terroir für unsere Reben. 

Wie alle Betriebe aus Spay ist auch unser Betrieb aus einem landwirtschaftlichen Gemischtbetrieb hervorgegangen. Der Weinanbau stellte, neben dem Kirschenanbau, eine besondere Herzensangelegenheit unserer Vorfahren dar. Eine weitere Einnahmequelle war die Lotsentätigkeit des Urgroßvaters des Betriebsinhabers, der Schiffe zwischen Spay und St. Goar durch die wechselnden Untiefen des Rheins leitete. Dieser besonderen Tätigkeit verdankt die Familie ihren Spitznamen im Ort, die auch heute noch als die „Steuermann's“ bekannt ist. Ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal, dem wir mit dem Steuerrad  in unserem Betriebslogo Rechnung tragen

In globalisierten Märkten mit immer größeren Mengen an uniformen Produkten haben Varianz, Charakter, Neugier, Geduld, Experiment und Überraschungen keinen Platz. Aber bei uns.
Unsere Lagen, das Klima und die Schieferböden sind die Basis einer weltweit einzigartigen Typizität. Wir perfektionieren unser Handwerk, um die natürlichen Anlagen und Potentiale der Weine ans Licht und in die Flasche zu bringen. Nur so entstehen Weine und Sekte, die nicht Trends und Trinkmoden folgen, sondern die sich mit Charakter und Stilistik unterscheidbar machen und Weinfreunden wunderbaren Natur-Genuss versprechen.

Wir machen Wein aus Leidenschaft. Und die dürfen Sie gerne mit uns teilen.

In global markets with increasing amounts of almost identical products, it would appear that there is no place for variety, character or experiments that with curiosity and patience produce surprising results. This is not our opinion and we stand firm in this belief with a clear and constant point of view.

Our location, climate and slate soil are the basis for a worldwide unique variety, and we are perfecting our expertise to bring the natural potential of the wine to fruition.

Only in this way can wines and sparkling wines develop that do not follow drinking trends and fashions but make themselves distinguishable in character and style and promise a wonderful natural treat.

Making wine is our passion and you are welcome to share it with us.

About Us,    
Weingut Volk is located within the famous Rhine-River-Valley. UNESCO has classified this region as a World-Heritage cultural landscape under the name of Upper Middle-Rhine Valley.
We are well known as a champion wine producer.
The creation of any good wine begins in the vineyard, and the vineyards of Weingut Volk are among the finest in the world. Continuous monitoring throughout the growing season carefully timed harvests to assure ideal sugar/acid levels and experienced handling throughout the fermentation and ageing processes all combine to make the varietal wines of Weingut Volk some of the most trusted and consistently flavourful in Germany.
We make wines for every table, wines to be depended on for quality and true varietal flavour. Every meal will be enhanced with a glass of wine.
. In enjoying wine, we participate in one of life’s simplest pleasures and one that lasts a lifetime. To good friends, good food and good wine – all those things that make life worth living.

our Vineyards 
Wine is a source of pleasure to us. We learned how to cultivate the highest quality grapes to produce great wines. 
Great wine is born in the vineyards and raised in the winery. Today we attempt to produce some of the world’s great wines confident that the Bopparder Hamm will provide us with the best raw material, grapes of the highest quality
Visitors to the Bopparder Hamm vineyards enjoy spectacular view of the River valley and the steep slopes were our vines grow. 
The first Riesling grapes were planted in the 1970s followed by other classic wine grapes.
The slaty soil contributes to the fruit’s ripening and the full development of delicate flavours.
Our perfect climate nurtures the Vineyards bringing exceptional quality to our wines.

our Wines
Warm summer climate make the area ideal for growing classic wine grape varieties, which produce award winning wines. 
Currently the winery got plantings of Riesling, Rivaner, Spätburgunder (Pinot noir), Regent and Weißburgunder (Pinot blanc).
The current range includes white, red and rosé wines to suit dry, semi-sweet and sweet palates.
Weingut Volk wines are amongst Rheinland-Pfalz`s best, yet remain true value for money.
We want each of our wines to exhibit intense varietal character. We prefer to produce unique, intense wines that will thrill and excite each and every person with the foresight to seek them out.

Today there is agreement that wine should be used responsibly and not abused

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