Torti Az. Agr. L'Eleganza del Vino

About the wine estate

Barbera Affinato in Barrique SELEZIONE TORTI

20.69 EUR
0,75 l bottle(s)
Questa è la selezione delle nostre migliori uve Barbera affinate in Barrique Francesi per minimo 12 mesi.
Vino da meditazione di colore rubino brillante; profumo vinoso; sapore secco, sapido, corposo.
Si consiglia di ossigenare il vino in decanter o in grandi bicchieri prima di degustarlo. 
Temperatura di servizio 18° C.
Accostamenti: Arrosti di carni rosse, brasati, cacciagione, bolliti salsati e formaggi.
                                                                                  ***************************** ENGLISH ******************************
Selection of our Barbera Grapes 
Wines is Aged in Barrique 18 months .
A wine of Piedmontese origins (Monferrato), it has a relatively short history, beginning of 1800.
Wine of brilliant ruby color; vinous perfume; dry, sapid, full-bodied flavor.
Serving suggestions: pasta with tomato, roasts of red meats, braised meats, game, boiled meats, sausages and cheeses.
Serving temperature 16-18 ° C.
  • Price for 1L: 27.59 EUR
  • Type of wine: Red
  • Grape: Barbera
  • Wine styles: Full-bodied red
  • Wine specifics: Organic
  • Alcohol %: 13.5
  • Volume, ml: 750
  • Vintage: 2009
  • Suggested for meat: Red meat
  • Suggested for cooking type: Grilled

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