Podere Olivento

About the wine estate


10.52 EUR
0,75 l bottle(s)
Ottenuto dai seguenti vitigni: Ciliegiolo, Morellino, Sangiovese, Canaiolo Pratense e Aubun Noir con fermentazione sulle bucce per 15-20 giorni e successiva leggera spremitura delle stesse, alla svinatura. Il vino è stato quindi conservato in  acciaio per 12 mesi e per almeno altri 6 mesi in bottiglia.

It’s made with the following red grapes: Ciliegiolo, Morellino, Sangiovese, Canaiolo Pratense and Aubun Noir by fermentation with the skins for 15-20 days. After racking the skins undergo pressing and the wine ageing lasts 12 months in stainless steel tanks and at least 6 months in the bottle.
  • Price for 1L: 14.03 EUR
  • Type of wine: Red
  • Grape: Red blend
  • Wine styles: Full-bodied red
  • Wine specifics: Natural wine
  • Alcohol %: 12.5
  • Volume, ml: 750
  • Vintage: 2018
  • Suggested for meat: White meat, Red meat
  • Suggested for cooking type: Cooked, Grilled

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