About the wine estate

Pethiox Cielo

7.65 EUR
0,75 l bottle(s)
Pethiox Cielo es un vino joven y fresco, elaborado por la bodega Don pedrones. 
Un monovarietal de la variedad Godello. 

Pethiox Cielo is a young and fresh wine, made by Don Pedrones Winery.
A monovarietal of Godello variety.

Color amarillo pajizo.
Nariz intensa a frutas blancas donde predominan los cítricos. La manzana y 
la pera se combinan con notas tropicales y los matices de flores blancas que 
le proporcionan elegancia. Boca glicérica y redonda, donde la acidez le 
aporta frescura.

Straw-yellow colour.
Intense nose with white fruits where citrus predominate.
The apple and the pear are combined with tropical notes and
the shades of white flowers that provide elegance.
Mouth glyceric and round, where acidity brings freshness.
  • Price for 1L: 10.21 EUR
  • Type of wine: White
  • Grape: Other white grape
  • Wine styles: Aromatic white
  • Wine specifics: Natural wine
  • Alcohol %: 12.5
  • Volume, ml: 750
  • Vintage: 2018
  • Suggested for meat: Sea
  • Suggested for cooking type: Grilled, Creamy

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