Franken – where Rielsing doesn’t rule

In Germany, Franconian wine is a relative “newcomer”. Winemaking started “just” 800 years ago. And it is here in Franken that the white grape varieties rule, with about 90% of the 6.000 ha of land under vine growing white grapes. HereFranken it is not Riesling (unlike the majority of German wine regions) that is the preferred grape of choice but Silvaner and Müller-Thurgau, more or less in equal measure.

Silvaner, “The King of Franken”, thrives due to the region’s limestone and keuper soils. Though in recent years the aromatic Müller-Thurgau has begun catching up to the Silvaner. One reason for this is Müller-Thurgau’s popularity among the “Junge Winzer” – an exciting new generation of young winemakers shaking up the status quo of German winemaking.


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