I love that winemakers now knock on my door

I really like that Avelyn finally gets rid of the nonsense of bureaucracy and markups, making wine buying as simple as it should be. The new direct connection to the winery is great. I feel like the winemaker is knocking on my front door with amazing hidden gems that I can’t find elsewhere. This is what I need as a wine lover!

Elena Provenzano, Italy

Great wines I can’t find in local stores

I enjoy the direct access to winemakers and that I can buy quality wines that I haven’t been able to find in my local shops.

Mads Jørgensen, Denmark

Fantastic choice

I enjoy being able to shop so many great European wines directly from the producers.

Michael Koltan, Germany

Great wines, great service

During lockdown I started to buy wine online and I’ve recently used Avelyn to find some niche wines from Italy. I’m excited about them as they have a great selection of pure gems from different countries which are not available to buy locally. Wines always arrived on time and customer care was always polite and professional.

Daniela Damiano, Italy

I love the discovery

Avelyn is a great place to discover rare and quality wines and it’s easy to order with shipping to my home.

Pascal Boijmans, Belgium

Personal and authentic great wines

I like the personal connections to authentic winemakers. One winemaker even invited me to come stay at their B&B to taste more of their handcrafted wines.

Ulrich Bang, Denmark


Our window to Europe

Avelyn is our window to Europe – a great way to enter homes directly to offer our wines. The logistics are great and easy to manage. It is great for us to be able to focus on making the wine, leaving the rest to Avelyn.

Miquel Coca at Coca I Fito, Priorat, Spain

Building lasting customer relations

We signed up for Avelyn at the beginning. The idea of being an Avelyn customer immediately appealed to us! The platform allows us to offer our wines to private consumers in other countries, at prices that remain attractive. Avelyn is an opportunity for us to be more visible and to develop lasting relations with our customers. The simplicity of selling and buying wines on Avelyn is a real plus - further strengthening our customer relations.

Clothilde Hennequière, Champagne Hennequière, Champagne, France

A great new way to reach customers directly across borders

As a small, quality-focused winery, we love that Avelyn makes it possible to reach our European customers in an easy, simple and comfortable way.

Angel Manuel Parada Pichel, Cosecheros de Soutomaior, Galicia, Spain

Thanks for removing all the trade bureaucracy for us

We decided to use Avelyn because it's really not that easy to send wine abroad and deal with all the bureaucracy. It is really great that Avelyn now changes that with a simple and automated model - hats off to this achievement, commitment and helpfulness. Their support team is very helpful if you have questions and they also offer tips and tricks to increase sales.

Vanessa Schreiber, Barfusswinzer Schreiber, Pfalz, Germany

Now we can tell the great stories behind our wines

We decided to become a part of Avelyn because we saw it as an opportunity to communicate directly with wine lovers around the world. If there is one thing the corona crisis has taught us, it is that we need to develop a closer relationship with the consumers. Avelyn allows us to unfold our story. Great wines are not just a product but a product with stories, passion and emotion!

Valeria Agosta, Palmento Costanzo, Sicily, Italy

Selling and shipping made easy

We decided to join the Avelyn community because with Avelyn we can ship our wines quickly and easily all over Europe - avoiding all the hassle with customs. As a small-volume wine estate we enjoy the European visibility we get with Avelyn.

Maria Furgiero, selling from Campania, Italy


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