Be an Avelyn customer

What is an Avelyn customer?

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A Avelyn customer is YOU if you like great wines, rare wines, wines with food, wines with stories and if you like to buy wines directly from the great people behind great wines.

No strings attached. No fees, no subscriptions, and no minimum amount of wines you need to buy. If you buy 6 bottles from the same estate, mix and match as you like, you get free shipping too.


Shop directly at wine estate cellar doors in France, Germany, Italy and Spain.

Already 1.500 wineries are selling their wines on Avelyn to consumers in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, and Sweden.

In 2023 we will grow the Avelyn marketplace to wine estates and wine loving consumers in even more countries.


With Avelyn you change the way you buy wine.

When buying directly from wine estates cellar door you jump all the middlemen’s costs and margins that are added as a wine travels from the winemaker to your glass.

With Avelyn you also get much better access to great handcrafted wines. Discover rare wines that are otherwise hard to find in local stores.

Buying small volume wines from family estates is better for our environment. Handcrafted wines are made with passion and hard work, with little or no intervention in vineyard and cellar. Also, when buying directly from local cellar doors you save on transportation.

No hassle, no mark-ups, no nonsense. Just wine.


Be an Avelyn customer

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