I still can not explain what was the driving force that prompted me to leave my certainties and to commit myself beyond every my limit between these my vineyards. How much work, how many sacrifices, how much effort. Maybe, I might find the causes of my transformation in that archaic concept that leads those who grew up in these places and have breathed the scent of a father’s passion to reclaim the thin thread that binds him to the ground. The cause of the choice to completely change my life, taking this new job, completely unknown to me, it should probably be sought in the genes of a sentiment inherited for viticulture that my father transmitted me, or it may have been the desire to put myself at stake, or the idea that there was another life beyond what I was leading. Among all the factors that have interacted in this choice, I think it was his desire to leave to my daughter Anna, whom I love more than anything in the world, a tangible mark of my passage on this earth.
Catia Spinsanti