Jean Leon Vinya Gigi Chardonnay

19.15 EUR
0,75 l bottle(s)
The charisma and discretion of Jean Leon made him party to many curious anecdotes involving famous film stars, who for him were like family. Years later, and in honour of his own family, he produced this wine from the vineyard named after his daughter. A clean, brilliant yellow with golden tints. The nose is powerful with aromas of fresh tropical fruits over a background of fine toast from the French oak. The top palate is oily, its balanced acidity making the wine both fresh and lingering.
  • Price for 1L: 25.54 EUR
  • Type of wine: White
  • Grape: Chardonnay
  • Wine styles: Full-bodied white
  • Wine specifics: Certified sustainable
  • Alcohol %: 13.5
  • Volume, ml: 750
  • Vintage: 2018
  • Suggested for meat: Sea, Poultry
  • Suggested for cooking type: Cooked, Grilled

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