Martín Berdugo - Single Vineyard Estate

Sobre la bodega


64.40 EUR
Botella(s) de 0,75 L
This was the first vintage after the rebuilding of our winery following the fire caused by a lightning strike in 2013 and the qualitative leap made by the adoption of a gravity-fed winemaking system. This wine honors the history of the winery, representing its pinnacle, blending the most advanced vineyard management and monitoring techniques with the traditions or our region and the essence of the environment. The Tinto Fino grapes come from the oldest plot in our vineyard, where yields are particularly low and the quality of the fruit is exceptional.
  • Price for 1L: 85.87 EUR
  • Tipo de vino: Red
  • Variedad de uva: Tempranillo
  • Estilos de vino: Full-bodied red
  • Detalles del vino: Vegan
  • Alcohol %: 15
  • Volumen: 750
  • Cosecha: 2014
  • Recomendado para acompañar carnes: Sea, Poultry, White meat, Red meat, Vegetarian
  • Recomendado para un tipo de cocina: Creamy, Spicy, Cooked, Grilled, Fried

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