Cantine dell'Angelo

The Muto family, of which Angelo is the third generation directly involved in the cure of the vineyards, decided to defend agricultural income by making wine on their own. Angelo's agriculture is low-impact, just like that of his grandfather and father, very attentive to the health of the soil, it must already be said to be very rich in sulfur. The vineyard parcels are divided into two bodies: 5 ha in the Campanaro district, immediately behind the ancient mines; another hectare is in Torre Favale, where the aeration tower of the now disused tunnels towers. Collecting the family inheritance, Angelo started to bottle his tufa greek again in 2006, and since then he has availed himself of the advice of his friend and winemaker Luigi Sarno. Angelo's Greco di Tufo is the purest expression of the territory that can be found on the market.  In the vineyard and the cellar, no chemical synthesis product is used, no selected yeasts are used in the fermentation, and no invasive practice is applied on the wines that are always an expression of the vintage and of the territory that generated them. Angelo uses to say that his wines are a handful of Tufo earth put in the glass. Cantine dell'Angelo is one of the founders of a small association and business network called V.i.T.I. (Vignaioli in Terre d'Irpinia - Vigneron in Irpinian Land) which includes also Cantina del Barone in Cesinali and Cantine dell’Angelo in Tufo. The companies share the production philosophy, the craftsmanship of the processes, the non-use of chemical substances neither in the vineyard nor in the cellar, the family management and not least the fact of being all three single-vine companies that together represent the three DOCG Irpinia.

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