About the wine estate


Score is an average of two or more recognised professional reviews
11.35 EUR
0,75 l bottle(s)
Ducamante certainly finds its perfect match with first courses - preferably homemade egg pasta - with meat sauce, grilled meats and succulent roasts; however, its considerable structure makes it interesting also in combination with feathered and furred game such as roast wild boar. LEAST ORDER 6 bott. ALSO MIX TYPES
Ducamante trova certamente il proprio abbinamento ideale con primi piatti - preferibilmente di pasta all'uovo fatta in casa - al ragù, carni grigliate e succulenti arrosti; la sua considerevole struttura lo rende tuttavia interessante anche in accostamento a cacciagione da piuma e da pelo (cinghiale al forno). MINIMO ORDINE 6 bott. ANCHE MISTA TIPOLOGIA.
  • Price for 1L: 15.14 EUR
  • Type of wine: Red
  • Grape: Sangiovese
  • Wine styles: Dry
  • Wine specifics:
  • Alcohol %: 15
  • Volume, ml: 750
  • Vintage: 2016
  • Suggested for meat: Poultry, Red meat, Vegetarian
  • Suggested for cooking type: Cooked, Grilled

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