Ligrezza, un vino rosé che vuole dire “allegrezza, allegria” come la freschezza e la fragranza gioiosa che esprime; scoppiettante come i falò di ginestra che in segno di festa si bruciano nei nostri paesini l’8 Dicembre in onore della Madonna.
Ligrezza, a rosé wine that means “cheerfulness” like the fresh and joyful fragrance that it expresses; its crisp and popping freshness reminds us of the bonfires of broom shrubs that are burnt to celebrate the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady on 8th December in our villages.
In the delicacy of its color, bright taste and bouquet, you will find a variety of flavors and fragrances of the territory, appreciating its freshness, especially at the hottest hours, when your body requires refreshment.