Veneto – a complete range of wines

Brimming with history and beauty, Veneto offers a diverse array of grapes and styles of wines thanks to its many distinct terroirs formed by the presence of the Alps to the north, Lake Garda in the west and the Adriatic Sea to the southeast.

While the word “Veneto” might conjure thoughts of beautiful Venice, for wine lovers “Veneto” is synonymous with “Amarone della Valpolicella” and if not the rich Amarone wines, then maybe the zesty, peachy and smooth white Soave wines, or the sparkling Proseccos exhibiting fresh fruit and flowers.

Geographically Veneto sits in the heart of Alpine, continental and sea influenced climates – where culturally Veneto is at a crossroad of Germanic, Slavic and Latin influence. This combination offers a formidable portfolio of wines and styles.

The cool northern area towards Lake Garda allows for crisp whites and light reds. From Lake Garda and throughout the western and central part of Veneto winters are cold and summers warm with the lakes and hills offering cool breezes. This allows for the making of both light reds such as those from Bardolino on the lake shore, as well as richer Amarone della Valpolicella from north of Verona.


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