Frascati doc Terre Laviche

8.57 EUR
0,75 l bottle(s)
DOC FRASCATI bianco-white Alc.12.5% vol. +/-05 % vol.
Art.TERREFRS75 (750 ml.)    
È ottenuto dalle uve tradizionali del Frascati Doc coltivate con metodo biologico. Ha un colore giallo paglierino con riflessi verdolini e note di fiori gialli. Dal sapore secco, e un vino elegante e fine dal retrogusto leggermente amarognolo. È perfetto servito con antipasti, minestre, pesci e carni bianche.
This wine is made from traditional Frascati doc grapes grown organically in our own vineyards. Its taste is dry, elegant and fine. It has a straw yellow colour with pale green hues and notes of yellow flowers. Its taste is dry, elegant and fine slightly bitter. It is perfect for appetizers, soups, seafood and white meat.
  • Price for 1L: 11.43 EUR
  • Type of wine: White
  • Grape: White blend, Trebbiano
  • Wine styles: Light-bodied white
  • Wine specifics:
  • Alcohol %: 12.5
  • Volume, ml: 750
  • Vintage: 2019
  • Suggested for meat: Sea, White meat
  • Suggested for cooking type: Cooked

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