Basilicata - high altitude and quality wines

Situated in southern Italy, Basilicata’s wine production is small compared to the more prominent regions. It is however among one of the oldest regions with a viticultural vocation in Italy. for the most part it’s a mountainous region flanked by Calabria and Campania to the west and Puglia to the east.

If you love nature, Basilicata is the place to be and your desire for the sea, mountains, green, winter and snow will be rewarded. And of course, don’t forget to stop and visit Sassi di Matera. In 2019 the city was awarded “city of culture” which drew international attention.

The viticulture in Basilicata has been widely spread since the roman times. Described by Latin writers such as Marziale, Pliny, Strabone, Virgilio, who testified to an evolved winemaking culture in the area from 7th century BC. The poet Horace, originally from Venosa, Vulture, celebrates in his poems the qualities of his homeland's wines.


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