Marche – a region to discover

Located in the central-east part of Italy, stretching from Umbria to the Adriatic coast, Marche remains under the international radar in terms of great wines. Though this perception is about to change, because increasingly the Marche region produces a number of stellar white and red wines.

Winemaking goes back thousands of years, with influences coming from the Etruscans, Romans and Lombards – and the many grape varieties these brought along. In this light it is interesting that today around 2/3 of grape production in Marche is concentrated on only three grapes: Verdicchio, Montepulciano and Sangiovese. In Marche at present there are more than 100 grape varieties in use ready to be discovered among which Lacrima and Vernaccia Nera remain noteworthy

Even though viticulture in the Marche region dates back to ancient times the wines were mostly destined for domestic consumption. The real modernization began after World War II with the planting of fine vines in the hilly areas. Marche’s typography is determined by the Apennines mountain range turning into rolling hills as one approaches the Adriatic Sea.

This and the main rivers Metauro, Potenza, Tronto and Nera provide both warm and cool viticultural areas within the region. Soils are diverse with calcareous clay and limestone being widespread.


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